Vanderbilt Health OnCall takes the hassle out of being sick. Receive the expert care you trust, wherever you are, seven days a week. Request a visit from a Vanderbilt provider at your convenience, at your home, office or hotel room.Use the Vanderbilt Health OnCall app to:
- Request a visit from a Vanderbilt provider within two hours. As of October 2016, serving Davidson County with more service areas to come.
- Receive care for minor illnesses and injuries.
- Pay a $99 fee per visit.
Vanderbilt Health OnCall providers treat everything from flu, colds and coughs to fevers, rashes and minor injuries. We also offer point-of-care lab testing and starter medications for an additional $25.
Here is a sampling of what we can help you with, any day of the week:
HeadacheFeverBronchitis, PneumoniaColds, Flu-like symptomsStrep, LaryngitisSinus infectionDiarrhea, Constipation, Upset stomachUrinary tract infectionsRashInsect bitesSkin infectionSmall lacerationSprains and strainsEarwax build-up